A nice brief issue this month with several interesting items. The main article questions the notion that if Thomas Eckert had accompanied Abraham Lincoln to Ford's Theatre that he would have been acting as a bodyguard. Author Frank Hebblethwaite makes the claim that there is no evidence to suggest such a role. Further even if Eckert were a bodyguard would it have prevented the events that transpired. John Stanton updates his efforts to locate information on alleged Confederate agent Sarah Slater and her role in the plot to kidnap President Lincoln. Joan Chaconas contributes a transcript of a letter written to President Lincoln from Jesse B. Wilson. Wilson owned a grocery store that was frequented by Mary Surratt. Surratt made over $100 in purchases at the store during 1864 and the last known purchase there by her was made on January 17, 1865.
Several other brief items of note are included. Robert Redford's movie The Conspirator has been chosen to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. The election of officers for the upcoming year will take place on September 26. A reminder that membership dues for the coming year are due in September. A flier for the new book My Thoughts Be Bloody
For a mere $7 per year this is an organization worth being a member of.
It does sound like a worthwhile subscription. I'll give it a try.